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Gurda inc.

Gurda inc. is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the life of Ethiopians in the Gurage zone through social, educational and economic development projects.

Core Values

GURDA is dedicated to lifting up disadvantaged and struggling communities.

While GURDA's charter supports philanthropic organizations in Ethiopia that focus on GURDA's mission, GURDA's international volunteers may also support local communities outside of Ethiopia. This type of volunteer work is independent from GURDA, unless otherwise agreed upon by GURDA.

GURDA is centered in the belief of giving back to the community, without desire for gain.

GURDA funds only non-political community initiatives and projects. We will not engage in disputes or take sides in controversies of a political, racial, religious, or ideological nature.

GURDA believes in the power of collaboration and common values. Our members across the world are vast and diverse.


Latest News & Update.

01 Feb 2024

Empowering Gurage Youth through Education Gurda understands the transformative power of education. In this blog…

01 Feb 2024

Strengthening Communities: Gurda’s Socioeconomic Initiatives Gurda’s mission goes beyond education; the organization is also dedicated…

01 Feb 2024

Celebrating Gurage Culture and Heritage with Gurda Gurda recognizes the rich cultural heritage of the…

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